Early Childhood (EDEC)
EDEC 5316 Soc and Natural Sci Studies 3 SCH (3-0)
Content and methods for promotion development of knowledge, skills and attitudes in social and natural sciences for preschool children. Unit themes will be developed for integrating curriculum.
EDEC 5333 Foundations of Early Ch Curr 3 SCH (3-0)
Historical, philosophical, sociological and psychological bases for early childhood curriculum design. The representation of research, theory and professional recommendation in developmentally appropriate practice.
EDEC 5334 Prof Lab Exper Early Ch Ed 3 SCH (3-0)
Practicum in observing and recording behavior of young children. Assignments in developmentally appropriate activities for preschool children. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: 12 hours of Early Childhood Education.
EDEC 5335 Integrated Curriculum 3 SCH (3-0)
An advanced course in curriculum design with an emphasis on integration of content areas for instruction. Math, science, language, arts and social studies scope and sequence will be presented. Adaptations for special populations will be included.
EDEC 5349 Creative Activities and Play 3 SCH (3-0)
A study of creative thought and behavior in young children. Methods and materials for teaching art, music and dramatics for young children. Theories of play and development.
EDEC 5351 Spec Prob Sem in Early Ch Ed 3 SCH (0-3)
The identification and research of specific problems as they relate to preschool programs. May be repeated once.
EDEC 5352 Sem Early Childhood Prog Lead 3 SCH (0-3)
The identification and study of the elements, issues, and challenges of leading an early childhood program.
EDEC 5359 Math in Early Childhood Ed 3 SCH (3-0)
Development of logical thought and reasoning in young children. Developmentally appropriate activities and materials for promoting quantitative concepts.
EDEC 5369 Emergent Lit in Early Ch Educ 3 SCH (3-0)
Emergent literacy as simultaneous development of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Linking research findings to early childhood philosophy and integrated program implementation.