Psychology (PSYC)

PSYC 5302  Indiv Psychological Tests  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Major individual psychological tests. Each student will choose one particular scale, master its techniques, administer it to a specific number of subjects, score and interpret the results. Prerequisites: PSYC 4308 and PSYC 3381 or equivalent.

PSYC 5304  Counseling and Psychotherapy  3 SCH  (3-0)  

A survey of the major theories of counseling and psychotherapy. Prerequisites: 6 semester hours of advanced psychology or the equivalent.

PSYC 5305  Graduate Research Project  3 SCH  (3)  

Designed for project option students and requires completion of research project. Prerequisite: departmental approval. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisites: PSYC 5310 and PSYC 5381.

PSYC 5306  Thesis  3 SCH  (3)  

Designed for thesis option students. The course requires completion of thesis research. Prerequisite: departmental approval. May be repeated for maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisites: PSYC 5310 and PSYC 5381.

PSYC 5308  Intro to Counseling Psych  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Fundamentals of professional counseling and psychotherapy. Definitions and the history of counseling and psychotherapy, settings for professional practice, professional development, contemporary issues and ethics, and models of counseling and psychotherapy and their associated techniques.

PSYC 5309  Cognitive Psychology  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Analysis of theoretical, empirical, methodological and applied issues in such areas as attention, pattern recognition, memory, language and problem solving. The relationship between cognition and such individual-difference variables as age, intelligence and expertise will be covered.

PSYC 5310  Data Analys in Social Research  3 SCH  (3-0)  

An intermediate level statistics course on linear modeling, with an emphasis on statistical data analysis; data management, data manipulation and introduction to linear modeling (ANOVA and classical linear regression). Prerequisite: PSYC 3381 or its equivalent. (Credit may not be obtained in both PSYC 5310 and SOCI 5310.)

PSYC 5311  Addictions Counseling  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Introduction to current research on psychological, social, legal and situational factors involved in substance abuse and addiction. Attention to treatment procedures and treatment facilities. Addiction, defined broadly, includes eating and gambling disorders.

PSYC 5313  Physiological Psychology  3 SCH  (3-0)  

An intensive study of the biological mechanisms underlying behavior and applications of biological psychology to human problems. This course covers biological foundations, evolution and development of the nervous system, perception and action, the regulation of behavior, emotions and mental disorders and cognitive neuroscience.

PSYC 5314  Selected Topics in Psychol  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Literature and research in areas of psychology not otherwise treated in depth in available courses. May be repeated for credit with change in topic. Prerequisite: courses appropriate to the selected topic.

PSYC 5315  Practicum in Counseling  3 SCH  (2-10-0)  

Supervised practice in counseling and therapy with individual clients: 150 hours of practicum experience in a professional setting per semester plus two hours of individual or group supervision per week. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: PSYC 5304, PSYC 5308, PSYC 5325 and PSYC 5333.

PSYC 5316  Couples Counseling  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Systems theory therapies and practices relative to assessment, research, and treatment of couples. Explores cognitive, affective, interactional, and systemic theories of human behavior and change as related to couples.

PSYC 5317  Multicultural Theory & Counsel  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Introduction to research, theories, and paradigms of counseling with diverse populations; focus on diversity variables such as race/ethnicity, culture, age, religion/spiritual orientation, sexual orientation, disability, class status, and gender.

PSYC 5319  Life Span Devel Theory andTech  3 SCH  (3-0)  

A study of psychological, social, cultural, physical and emotional factors affecting personality development and behavior throughout the life span. Emphasis on theoretical perspectives on development.

PSYC 5325  Psychopathology  3 SCH  (3)  

A survey of the research, theories, assessment and treatment models of psychopathology.

PSYC 5326  Advanced Abnormal Psychology  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Criteria of psychiatric diagnosis, use of the DSM Multi-Axial system, theories of sychopathology, treatment planning and intervention, and introduction to psychopharmacological medications. Prerequisites include PSYC 5304 and PSYC 5325.

PSYC 5331  Lifestyles and Career Devel  3 SCH  (3-0)  

A review of psychological research, theory and methodologies in the world of work, including the nature of organizations and the worker, group processes and training, communication, attitudes, motivation and leadership.

PSYC 5332  Psychology of Women  3 SCH  (3-0)  

An intensive overview of the special social, psychological and biological issues facing women in contemporary Western culture. Topics include gender role formation and differences, female sexuality, relationships, values, status and wellness.

PSYC 5333  Ethics and Legal issues  3 SCH  (3-0)  

An intensive study of ethical and legal issues for students with a background in counseling or related areas. Focuses on basic issues, values clarification, foundations of ethical positions and interaction with the legal profession.

PSYC 5334  Ethics II  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Advanced training regarding professional issues and ethics in counseling. Attention to record management and business law, as they relate to professional counselor practice. Focus on current professional-organization ethical codes.

PSYC 5336  Clinical Assessment  3 SCH  (0-3)  

The assessment of abnormal behavior with emphasis on symptomatic behavior, clinical diagnosis and writing assessments and planning treatment.

PSYC 5344  Group Therapy  3 SCH  (3-0)  

A study of the theoretical concepts of types of groups, stages of group development and leadership skills.

PSYC 5352  Advanced Social Psychology  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Advanced study of how peoples' thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by actual, imagines or implied other people. Topics include the psychological study of conformity, attitudes, aggression, altruism, conflict and cooperation.

PSYC 5381  Behavioral Science Research  3 SCH  (0-3)  

Behavioral science research design, methodology, analysis and interpretation of results. Under tutorial guidance, students conduct, analyze and report on an empirical study of their own design and choice of topic. Prerequisites: PSYC 3381 or equivalent and either PSYC 3387 or SOCI 4382.