Higher Educ Admin & Leadership (HEAL)

HEAL 6325  Stud Pers Services Higher Ed  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course provides an overview of the conceptual and operational aspects that impact the student personnel programs of higher education institutions in the United States. The course is designed to prepare individuals for leadership positions in the field. An overview of content areas of personnel services offered in colleges and universities. Legal, ethical, and professional identity issues are also examined.

HEAL 6326  Curr Prog Planning Higher Ed  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course provides an overview of the conceptual and operational aspects that impact curriculum and instruction in higher education institutions in the United States. Emphasis is on strategies for anticipating future societal needs and developing higher educational curriculum to meet those needs. The course is designed to prepare individuals for teaching and leadership positions in higher education and education related fields.

HEAL 6327  Higher Educ Administration  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course provides an overview of various elements in higher education administration, including an understanding of the role of boards of trustees, presidents, faculty, unions, students, state and federal governments, coordinating boards, and accreditation agencies. Focus is on attributes of successful contemporary leadership in higher education.

HEAL 6328  Strategic Enrollment Ldrship  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course focuses on strategic enrollment management, a vital planning effort for growth and sustainability in higher education. It provides a review of principles and practices for leading recruitment, enrollment management and leadership within community colleges, 4-year colleges and universities. Specific attention is given to effective enrollment management and leadership, recruitment, retention, institutional advancement, student service, and targeted communication.

HEAL 6336  Teaching & Research Higher Ed  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course provides a detailed study of teaching and research in higher education. Research, theory and principles of teaching and learning are explored with a specific emphasis on differentiation between university and community college environments. Application of theory is presented and analyzed along with research findings and practices for curricula design and instruction in the higher education environment.

HEAL 6338  Legal & Ethical Issues  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course surveys the legal issues arising from the relationship between higher education institutions and their governing boards, administrators, faculty, students, and governmental bodies. This course will explore the role of landmark and current legislation and course decisions in academic and student affairs, distance learning, and fiscal and campus management.