Counseling and Guidance (EDCG)

EDCG 5301  Statistical Methods  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Methods for the analysis and synthesis of quantitative data. A tool subject for experimental work including finding and interpreting central tendencies, variability and correlation. Important for classroom teachers, administrators, counselors and supervisors.

EDCG 5305  Graduate Research Project  3 SCH  (3)  

Designed for project option students and requires completion of research project. Prerequisite: departmental approval. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours.

EDCG 5310  Introduction to Counseling and Ethical Practice  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Introduction to the principles, practices and philosophy in the field of Counseling and Guidance, and an exploration of the various work settings where counselors are found. This is an overview of the counseling field and explores historical development as well as professional orientation of counselors and their ethics and responsibilities. Must be accepted to EDCG or EDCM program to register.

EDCG 5311  Theories of Counseling  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Study selected theories of counseling and their implications on selected personality and developmental theories. Various theorists have developed theories to explain and to account for human development and human behavior. All personality theories have counseling implications and this is an exploration of those counseling theories.

EDCG 5312  Counseling Techniques  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Designed to combine the study of theory and philosophy of individual counseling with techniques and practices in the field. This is a "hands on" course where the student is taught through practice and observation, the dynamics of providing individual counseling services. Both classroom and laboratory experiences are offered in this course.

EDCG 5315  Ethcs and Legl Issues in Couns  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Introduction to, and an exploration of, professional ethics in the counseling profession. Learning to deal with the professional and ethical issues that most affect the practice of counseling and related professions. A number of view points will be presented to stimulate discussion, exploration and reflection.

EDCG 5320  Ed Spec Probs in Guid and Coun  3 SCH  (3)  

Study of problems in designated areas approved by the university. May be repeated when the topic changes.

EDCG 5321  Abnormal Human Behavior  3 SCH  (3-0)  

An in-depth look at the varieties of psychopathology, its etiology, classification and treatment. A look at the history and treatment of mental illness over the years with special attention to the various classification schemes and systems as they have evolved. The emphasis of this course will be to give the student skills to recognize the nature of the abnormal behavior and to determine what services, if any, the counselor might be able to provide. Proper referral services, methods and procedures will be explored.

EDCG 5322  Addictions Counseling  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Exploration of the nature of chemical dependency/addiction including alcohol and other legal and illegal substances. Also explored are related phenomena which produces and/or results in obsessive and compulsive behaviors. Implications for education, prevention, treatment and recovery will be explored. Attendance at several meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12 step programs are a part of this course.

EDCG 5323  Group Counseling Techniques  3 SCH  (3)  

Designed to provide the student with an understanding of group dynamics, theories and techniques.

EDCG 5324  Assessment in Counseling  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Historical perspective concerning the nature and meaning of assessment. Statistical concepts, social and cultural factors related to the assessment and evaluation of individuals, groups, and specific populations, and ethical strategies for selecting, administering and interpreting assessment and evaluation instruments and techniques in counseling.

EDCG 5329  Research in Counseling  3 SCH  (0-3)  

Use of resources, techniques and basic skills.

EDCG 5339  Human Growth and Development  3 SCH  (3-0)  

An understanding of the processes of human development in individual, familial, cultural, and community contexts, including the following topics: cognitive and personality development; the influence of crisis and trauma on human behavior, psychopathology, addictions and situational factors that affect normal and abnormal behavior, and the facilitation of wellness models for human processes.

EDCG 5341  Guidance Advanced Topics  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Major problems of educational and vocational guidance covering selection, orientation, personnel, training programs, placement and re-education. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of advanced education. May be repeated when the topic changes.

EDCG 5343  Basic Sandtray Therapy  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course offers an introduction to basic sandtray therapy and offers practical experience as a therapeutic intervention for children, adolescents, adults, couples, families, and groups. Students will learn and apply sandtray theories and techniques to assist clients in exploring awareness, expressing emotions, discovering meanings, addressing distortions, finding resolutions, facilitating motivational interviews, and coping with counseling issues.

EDCG 5344  Advanced Sandtray Therapy  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course is designed to equip students with advanced experience in Sandtray therapy. Students will practice Sandtray therapy with diverse client populations, such as children, adolescents, adults, elders, families, veterans, trauma victims, PTSD survivors...etc. Students will enhance competency in Advanced Sandtray therapy through group supervision and peer observation. Prerequisite: EDCG 5351.

EDCG 5345  Diagnosis & Psychopharmacology  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Diagnosis in counseling covers types of human distress, as described in the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), including the development of tools for the understanding and critical appraisal of abnormal human behavior across the life-span. Students will learn strategies and techniques for assessing client needs and strengths, diagnostic impressions, counselor characteristics, and treatment planning when working with clients in a variety of settings.

EDCG 5347  Multicultural Counseling  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Cross-cultural and pluralistic counseling, the dynamics of minority ethnic group life-styles, and the uniqueness of multiethnic education.

EDCG 5350  Marriage, Couple, & Family Counseling  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course will introduce students to the study of marriage, couple, and family counseling. Students will gain knowledge and skills in personal and family development, family system dynamics, interpersonal relationships, and social roles and boundaries within marriage, couple, and family counseling. The course will include a variety of theories and techniques for marriage, couple, and family therapy with particular importance on multicultural sensitivity, as well as legal and ethical issues in the practice of marriage, couple, and family counseling.

EDCG 5354  Prog Devel School Counselors  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Philosophical, sociological and psychological principles and concepts related to guidance and counseling and the helping professions.

EDCG 5355  Career Counseling  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Theories and techniques of developing, classifying, analyzing and disseminating vocational and career information.

EDCG 5357  Field Practicum for Counselors  3 SCH  (0-3)  

Supervised practice in the application of counseling strategies and techniques in environmental settings appropriate to the professional interests of the counselor trainee. May be repeated subsequent semester to a total of 9 semester hours. Prerequisites: EDCG 5310, EDCG 5311, EDCG 5312, EDCG 5315, EDCG 5321, EDCG 5323, EDCG 5339, EDCG 5347.

EDCG 5358  Elem Guidance and Coun Technq  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course is designed to give special attention to the particular personal, social and academic needs of elementary age children.

Fee: $55.00

EDCG 5360  Community/Rural Mental Health  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This is a specialized online course designed to address the unique needs of counseling rural communities and populations. Attention will be given to the uniqueness of rural counseling and communities, ethical considerations, working with existing educational and community entities, multicultural issues and challenges, and the various roles of the rural community counselor.

EDCG 5362  Rural Leadership & Advocacy  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This is a specialized online course designed to address the challenges of Counseling Leadership and Advocacy within a rural community context. Attention will be given to the changing role of the professional counselor (particularly within the rural settings). Key considerations of multicultural issues, ethical and legal practices, the uniqueness of rural clientele, and contemporary issues for Counseling Leadership and Advocacy will be covered in this course.

EDCG 5364  Crisis Counseling  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course will review crisis counseling techniques related to a variety of crisis situations that may occur within families and with individuals in mental health agency and school settings. Students will learn the foundations of successful crisis intervention to assist in prevention and encourage personal growth and coping following a crisis experience. Issues related to family violence and other issues of trauma will be discussed. Students will participate in lecture and online discussion. For course credit, you must attend both online and discussions and class.

EDCG 5366  CMHC Internship I  3 SCH  (0-3)  

This is the first of two courses designed to provide an internship experience to meet certification and licensing requirements. This internship must provide opportunities for direct counseling experiences. Supervision is provided to assist the student in managing cases, improving counseling skills, and dealing with professional issues.

EDCG 5368  CMHC Internship II  3 SCH  (0-3)  

This is the second of two courses designed to provide an internship experience to meet certification and licensing requirements. This internship must provide opportunities for direct counseling experiences. Supervision is provided to assist the student in managing cases, improving counseling skills, and dealing with professional issues.