Adult Education (ADED)

ADED 5301  Selected Topics in Adult Educa  3 SCH  (3)  

Detailed analysis and evaluation of selected topics in adult education not otherwise treated in depth in available courses. May be repeated for credit when topics differ.

ADED 5319  Methods of Adult Education  3 SCH  (3)  

Based on the unique characteristics of adult learners, the course will focus on the development of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes which the adult education teacher should process. Methods for teaching adults used by adult educators in formal and informal learning environments will be evaluated and connected to educational theory and application with adult learner population.

ADED 5320  Community College Teaching  3 SCH  (3)  

This course focuses specifically on teaching in the community college setting. Research, theory and principles of teaching are combined with clear application to practice. Anaylsis of theories of teaching and application specifically to the community college student are the central focus.

ADED 5324  Community College Curriculum, Assessment and Evaluation  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course focuses on the areas of curriculum, assessment and evaluation at the community college level. Principles for the development, design and implementation of curriculum materials is included. As well, students will examine in-depth the principles of evaluation and assessment within and among programs at the community college level.

ADED 5326  CC Administration & Leadership  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course provides an overview of various elements of leadership at the community level, with a clear understanding of the role of boards of trustees, presidents, faculty, unions, administrator, students, governing agencies and accreditation agencies. The focus is on contemporary leadership and attributes for success with clarification of the needs of the two year institution.

ADED 5330  Admin of Adult Educ Programs  3 SCH  (3)  

This course provides a comprehensive look at understanding the complexities of administration of an adult education program through organization and administration. It will focus on the use of the Five Functions of Management in the context of adult education. Students will develop administrative knowledge and skill in areas such as administration, organization, leadership, budgeting, funding and support, marketing, human resources, strategic planning, program evaluation, and legal and ethical issues.

ADED 5340  Adult Education in Aging Populations  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course provides a comprehensive look at understanding the complexities of aging, which directly impacts delivery and instruction for adult education. It will focus on the use of the Five Functions of Management in the context of adult education. Students will develop administrative knowledge and skill in areas such as administration, organization, leadership, budgeting, funding and support, marketing, human resources, strategic planning, program evaluation, and ethical issues.

ADED 5361  Assessment of Adult ESL  3 SCH  (3)  

This course examines the purposes, types and evaluations of language assessment in adult ESL programs. The topics of the test reliability, validity and practicality will be discussed. A review of standardized and alternative methods or assessment including portfolio and participatory assessment will be included.

ADED 5370  Online Teaching Adult Learners  3 SCH  (3)  

Research, theory and principles of adult learning and development are explored with a specific emphasis on adult learners in the online environment. Application of theory is presented and analyzed along with research findings and practices in the planning of adult education and training curricula for the online environment.

ADED 5372  Emerging Technology in Adult Education  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Provides a comprehensive analysis on the role of emerging technology in transforming teaching and learning in adult and higher education. Course topics will focus on online and blended learning opportunities, personalized learning and learner-centered teaching, educational gaming, and mobile learning.

ADED 5374  Multicultural Education in Adult Learner Settings  3 SCH  (3-0)  

This course will utilize a critical multicultural framework to trace the evolution of the adult learner in the educational system. Students in this course will examine practices and policies to recognize and understand the importance of managing diversity for underserved and underrepresented students entering adult education.

ADED 5379  Adult Learning and Development  3 SCH  (3)  

Research, theory and principles of adult learning and development explored. Evaluation of adult interests and skills through a variety of strategies discussed. Application of theory presented through class projects.

ADED 5388  Introd to Adult Education  3 SCH  (3)  

A historical and structural overview of the adult education movement as well as a systematic examination of the role of the adult education across a wide range of institutional settings.

ADED 5389  Eval and Meas in Adult Educ  3 SCH  (3)  

An in-depth examination of principles of testing and measurement with particular reference to adult learners in a variety of adult education settings. Students will gain a working familiarity with the numerous testing instruments available for adults as well as gain skill in developing teacher-made measurements.

ADED 5390  Community Education  3 SCH  (3)  

An overview of community education for the adult learner population. Students will examine adult education through formal and information community settings in support of the adult learner. Guided exploration of a community education organization purpose, management and structure, and programming through the lens of serving the adult population in a community is a major component of the course.

ADED 5391  Curr and Prog Plan in Adult Ed  3 SCH  (3)  

A review and analysis of the major theories, research findings and practices in the planning of adult education and training curricula. Appropriate practice and on-site application of concepts learned will be a major activity of this course.

ADED 5392  Adult Educ Res Practium  3 SCH  (3)  

Principles of research are examined in the context of the literature of the field of adult education. Guided opportunities for research of current adult education or training issues of theoretical and practical concern are provided under direction of a member of the adult education faculty.

ADED 5393  Counseling Adults  3 SCH  (3)  

Adults experience many transitions in their lifetime, and each have unique challenges based on the transitions that occur. This course will focus on Schlossbergs Transition Theory and Model, Transition Identification, and The 45 Model for coping and strengthening resources. Knowing and understanding this theory, and model will assist adult educators in better comprehending what may happen before during and after any one life transition and be better equipped to connect with and encourage their adult learners to persist in education.

ADED 5396  Teaching Lit & RDG Skills  3 SCH  (3)  

Methods, materials and techniques for teaching literacy and reading skills to adults.