Educational Expenses

Financial Services
College Hall Room 102
Phone: 361-593-2616

Financial Obligations

Students are expected to pay all financial obligations to the university when due. Failure to meet such obligations will result in a student's record being placed on a hold status and may result in the student not being able to receive official transcripts or enroll for another semester. Failure to make room and board payments on time may result in the loss of meal privileges and eviction from the university residence hall. In all cases, the student will be duly notified and given a reasonable length of time to clear the obligation before the enforcement of disciplinary action. If the account is not paid when due, the institution has the right to forward past due accounts to a collection agency and refer them to the State of Texas to be put on State Hold. The student will be responsible for any and all collection costs necessary for the collection of any amounts not paid when due.

Students receiving university sponsored financial aid are expected to pay all financial obligations owed the university at the time they receive the financial aid.

NOTE: Census day of the semester is the day that all tuition and mandatory fees must be paid in full. If all tuition and mandatory fees are not paid in full, a class or classes will be dropped for non-payment. The census day of the long semesters (fall and spring) is the 12th class day. The census day for the summer terms is the 4th class day. The census day for 8-week sessions is the 6th class day. Census day is a drop day, if all tuition and mandatory fees are not paid in full.

Mandatory Tuition and Fees

Students who do not pay mandatory tuition and fees in full by established deadlines will be dropped from one or more classes, according to the unpaid balance due. Students who establish and make the required initial payment of the installment payment plan will not be dropped.

Installment Payment of Tuition and Fees

Students selecting an installment payment plan may pay tuition and fees in three payments. There is a $30 setup fee for choosing the installment payment plan. Students who select an installment payment plan need to be absolutely sure of all the classes/expenses, as only one plan is allowed. They are subject to the following provisions:

  1. Students receiving university sponsored financial aid equal to or greater than their tuition and fees must pay in one payment. All financial aid funds received after selection of deferred payment plan will be applied to account balance until paid in full.
  2. A late payment penalty of $50 will be assessed for each installment payment not made on or before the due date.
  3. A student who fails to make full payment of tuition and fees, including any incidental fees, by the due date may be prohibited from registering for classes and receiving future financial aid until full payment is made. A student who fails to pay in full prior to the end of the semester may be denied access to see semester grades.

Charge Card Privilege

Students may pay tuition and fees, including room and board, with an American Express, MasterCard, Discover and VISA. Credit card payments may be made over the web using the MoneyConnect service and are charged a 2.5% (or $3.00 minimum) convenience fee.

Concurrent Enrollment at Another Public Institution of Higher Education

Students must present to the Registrar on the day they register evidence of previous enrollment for the same semester, number of hours enrolled and receipt showing the total tuition and other registration fees paid at another public institution in order to be eligible for provisions of Senate Bill 250 "Tuition Limit in Cases of Concurrent Enrollment."

Returned Item Policy

When a bank returns an unpaid item (i.e., check, credit card, money order), for any reason, which has been submitted to the university, the following procedure will apply:

  1. The Business Office will mail a notification by certified mail within 3 business days to the individual who submitted the returned item to the university. This notice will indicate the amount of the item, the $30 returned item charge, and the reason the item was rejected by the student’s bank or credit card company. The individual is given 10 days from receipt of notification to clear the returned item using cash, cashier's check or money order. Only payment in full will be accepted. The university will not accept a personal check or a credit card in payment for a returned item. In the event the certified mail is unaccepted and returned to the university, the university will attempt to deliver the notification to the student through one of his/her classes. The university will also attempt to reach the individual by phone. The individual will be given 10 days from this contact to clear the item.
  2. A registration and transcript hold will be placed on the individual's record. After an individual has one items returned to the university, checks will no longer be accepted as payment for that individual. If an individual stops payment on a check presented to the university, the university reserves the right to refuse acceptance of future checks for payment of university charges.
  3. In those instances where the returned check and charge have not been redeemed after two notification attempts, the university may take the check to the district attorney (or county attorney) and file a complaint with that office. Any further action on the matter will follow the legal process as prescribed by the respective attorney’s office.

Resident vs. Nonresident Student Status

All students attending Texas A&M University-Kingsville who are nonresidents of Texas will be charged additional tuition in accordance with state law. The responsibility of registering under the proper residence is placed upon the student. If there is any possible question of the right to legal residence in Texas under state law and university rules, the student must raise the question with the Office of Admission and have such question settled prior to registration. There can be no change of residence unless authorized by the Registrar. Students must pay the correct fee at the beginning of each semester or term for which they register. An attempt on the part of a nonresident to evade the nonresident fee may lead to expulsion from the university. Legal resident information forms to assist students in determining their proper legal status are available in the Registrar's Office.

Military Residence

Military persons stationed in Texas who wish to avail themselves or their dependents of military residence provisions of state law must submit during their first semester of enrollment in which they will be using the waiver program, a statement from an appropriately authorized officer in the service certifying that they (or a parent) will be assigned to duty in Texas on the census date of the term they plan to enroll, and that they are not in Texas only to attend training with Texas units. Such persons shall pay resident tuition so long as they reside continuously in Texas or remain continuously enrolled in the same degree or certificate program (enrollment in summer semester is not required to remain continuously enrolled).