Ranch Management (RAMT)
RAMT 5305 Graduate Research Project 3 SCH (3)
Designed for project option students and requires completion of research project. Prerequisite: departmental approval. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours.
RAMT 5306 Thesis 3 SCH (3)
This course is for thesis students. The course requires 6 hours of grades, 3 hours will consist of completion of a thesis proposal and 3 hours will consist of the thesis. Completion of the thesis proposal must occur as a prerequisite to, or be enrolled in during the same semester as the 3 hours of thesis.
RAMT 5350 Practicum in Ranch Management 3 SCH (3-0)
Students apply tools and techniques learned in other courses to current issues facing the ranching industry. Course requires on ranch study of these current problems integrating tool and techniques learned in other courses using a system approach. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours.
RAMT 5351 Sys Apprch Natrl Res Prblm Sol 3 SCH (3-0)
Concept of sysem dynamic s applied to solving natural resource management issues. Intensive application of system dynamics approaches and applied application to ranch and wildlife management and other disciples.
RAMT 5352 Advn Ranch Planning and Analys 3 SCH (3-0)
This course is an interdisciplinary approach to ranch management. It will include: finance, managerial accounting, management information systems, and natural resource monitoring.
RAMT 5390 TOP: Adv Studies in Ranch Mgt 1-3 SCH (1-3-0)
Material offered is determined by the needs of the students. Variable credit dependent upon the topic; may be repeated for a total of 9 semester hours under different topics.
RAMT 5695 Advanced Problems in Ranch Mgt 3-6 SCH (3-6)
Independent work that may include a laboratory or field problem. Variable credit dependent upon the problem; may be repeated for a total of 3 semester hours for thesis option students or 6 semester hours for project option and course-only option students. Prerequisite: approval of a faculty member who will supervise the problem.