Range and Wildlife Sciences (RWSC)

RWSC 5306  Thesis  3 SCH  (3)  

Designed for thesis option students. The course requires completion of thesis research. Prerequisite: departmental approval. May be repeated for maximum of 6 semester hours.

RWSC 5390  Adv Studies Range/Wildlife Mgt  1-3 SCH  (1-3)  

Material offered will be determined by the needs of the students. Laboratory and lecture will vary according to the subject needs. May be repeated under a different topic.

RWSC 5399  Research Topics  1-9 SCH  (0-0-1-9)  

This course is specifically designed for Plan I students. Required during the research, data analysis, and initial writing stage. Grading for the course will be S for satisfactory or U for unsatisfactory.