Health (EDHL)
EDHL 5318 Cardiovascular Health 3 SCH (3-0)
Examines the physiology of the cardiovascular system and cardiovascular disease, including prevention, medication, and rehabilitation.
EDHL 5319 Drug Education 3 SCH (3-0)
Prescription and non-prescription drugs, their action in the body, their benefits and abuse potential.
EDHL 5320 Curr Issues in Global Health 3 SCH (3-0)
Viruses, antibiotic resistant bacterial diseases, environmental health issues, genetically modified foods, social health issues, and other current global health concerns.
EDHL 5322 Seminar in Selected Topics 3 SCH (0-3)
Contemporary issues are identified and analyzed through intensive investigation. Examples of topics include human sexuality, drug education, family abuse and AIDS. May be repeated for credit as topics change.