Mechanical Engineering (MEEN)
MEEN 1201 Intro to Mech Eng as a Career 2 SCH (1-3)
The art and practice of mechanical engineering and its role in society. Promotes critical and analytical thinking; gives basic skills for the engineering approach to problem-solving, engineering design process and reverse engineering; and introduces engineering ethics.
Fee: $5.00
MEEN 1310 Engineering Graphics I 3 SCH (2-3)
Introduction to computer-aided engineering design and analysis; principles of graphics, solid modeling, integrated applications of software in engineering drafting, design and problem solving.
MEEN 1320 Elem Num Meth & Engr Prob Solv 3 SCH (2-3)
Engineering problem-solving using high level programming language and numerical computing software. Programming logic; linear algebra and matrices; solutions to systems of linear equations; interpolation and curve fitting; numerical integration and differentiation.
MEEN 2146 Engineering Measurements 1 SCH (0-3)
Basic experimental techniques and instrumentation commonly found in industry. Experimental planning and analysis. ASTM methods introduced. Data acquisition means studied. Significance of data and presentation (written and oral). Computer usage and report writing emphasized. Prerequisites: PHYS 2325/ PHYS 2125.
Fee: $5.00
MEEN 2301 Mechanics I Statics 3 SCH (3-0)
Application of Newtonian Mechanics to a broad range of Mechanical Engineering problems. Engineering units, particle and rigid body equilibrium, vector operations, torque, friction related to various mechanical elements (screws, wedges, belts, bearings), shear and moment diagrams, centroids, moments of inertia (area, mass, and products of inertia), Mohr's Circle, principle of virtual work. Prerequisite: PHYS 2125, PHYS 2325, and credit or registration in MATH 2414.
MEEN 2302 Mechanics II Dynamics 3 SCH (3-0)
Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies; motion relative to translating and rotating reference frames. Kinetics of particles and rigid bodies: Newton's second law, work-energy and impulse and momentum. Introduction to vibrations. Prerequisite: CEEN 2301 with a grade of C or higher.
MEEN 2355 Statics and Dynamics 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 3145 Material Science Laboratory 1 SCH (0-3)
Tensile, impact, fatigue, hardness and hardenability, creep, phase and microstructure, corrosion testing and microscopic analysis. Ferrous and non-ferrous materials and polymers are studied. ASTM methods are introduced and applied. Introduction to data acquisition and recording. Reporting in both written and oral format. Prerequisite: Credit or registration in MEEN 3344. Fee $15.00.
Fee: $15.00
MEEN 3344 Materials Science 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 3347 Thermodynamics 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 3348 Heat Transfer 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 3349 Fundamentals of Mfg Processes 3 SCH (2-3)
MEEN 3350 Machine Design I 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 3352 Kinematics of Machines 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 3360 Engineering Design & Sim 3 SCH (3-0)
Introduction to the engineering design process via team-based projects utilizing commercial Computer Aided Engineering software packages. Engineering design process; problem definition, conceptual design, modeling, analysis, system design and optimization. Communicating the design via drawings, models, verbal and written reports. Prerequisites: MEEN 1310, MEEN 1320, and credit or registration in MEEN 3350 and MEEN 3348.
MEEN 3370 Introduction to Electromechanical System Design 3 SCH (2-3)
MEEN 3392 Fluid Mechanics 3 SCH (3-0)
Basic properties of fluids. Fluid statics. Fluids in motion. Continuity, energy, and linear and angular momentum equations in integral and differential forms. Incompressible viscous flow; Navier-Stokes equations, parallel flow, pipe flow, and the Moody diagram. Introduction to laminar and turbulent boundary layers and free surface flows. Prerequisites: MATH 3320 and credit or registration in MEEN 2302.
MEEN 3398 Comp App in Nuclear Engr 3 SCH (3-0)
Applications of computer software to solve nuclear engineering problems; nuclear data and cross-section libraries; deterministic and stochastic models; single and multi-objective optimization; applied nuclear engineering codes. Prerequisite: junior standing.
MEEN 4131 Mechanical Engineering Lab 1 SCH (0-3)
MEEN 4263 Mech Engr Design Proj I (WI) 2 SCH (1-3)
Capstone design course emphasizing quantitative, analytical/computer and experimental methods, including optimization and simulation, as applied to the design process for a broad range of practical problems in mechanical engineering. Integrates knowledge gained from all required mechanical engineering courses in a major system design project. Prerequisites: senior standing in Mechanical Engineering, ENGL/COMS 2374 or equivalent., MEEN 3348, MEEN 3350 and MEEN 3360, and credit or registration in MEEN 4351.
Fee: $5.00
MEEN 4264 Mech Eng Design Projects II 2 SCH (1-3)
Capstone design course emphasizing the application of analytical/computer and experimental methods to the solution of a broad range of practical problems in mechanical engineering. Integrates knowledge gained from all required mechanical engineering courses via the completion of a system design project. Prerequisites: IEEN 3325 or equivalent, MEEN 4263 and MEEN 4351.
Fee: $5.00
MEEN 4301 Design of Aerospace Structures 3 SCH (3-0)
Advanced strength of materials analysis and design of light-weight elastic structures with aerospace applications. Failure modes and criteria, buckling, matrix methods for analysis, plane truss design. Energy and Castigliano methods for statically determinate and indeterminate structures. Torsion and bending of asymmetrical thin-walled sections. Design project. Prerequisites: senior standing in Mechanical Engineering and credit or enrollment in MEEN 3360.
MEEN 4303 Aerodynamics 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4305 Aerospace Flight Dynamics 3 SCH (3-0)
Three-dimensional rigid body dynamics, aircraft equations of motion, static and dynamic stability, manual flight control design, introduction to aeroelastic phenomena. Attitude and altitude dynamics, interplanetary transfers, altitude coordinates, stability, manual control, and estimation. Prerequisites: senior standing in Mechanical Engineering and MEEN 2302.
MEEN 4307 Aerospace Systems Design 3 SCH (3-0)
Aircraft/Spacecraft design of systems and subsystems. Preliminary design or study of a complete flight vehicle. Application of mission and spacecraft design principles in developing a space flight mission concept. Prerequisites: senior standing in Mechanical Engineering, MEEN 3352, MEEN 3360, credit or registration in MEEN 4303.
MEEN 4317 Internal Combustion Engines 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4335 Special Problems 1-3 SCH (1-3)
Individual solution of selected problems in mechanical engineering conducted under direct supervision of a faculty member. May be repeated for up to 6 semester hours. Prerequisite: senior standing.
MEEN 4336 Selected Topics 1-3 SCH (1-3)
One or more topics of mechanical engineering. May be repeated when topic changes. Prerequisite: senior standing.
MEEN 4341 Appl of Thermodynamics 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4343 Dynamics of Systems 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4344 Control of Systems 3 SCH (2-3)
Introduction to the analysis and design of linear control systems; time and frequency domain analysis of closed-loop control systems, including steady-state, transient response, and stability. The basic control system design methods, including root locus for basic control actions, such as proportional, integral, and derivative control. Course includes lectures, computational and hands-on lab modules. Prerequisite: senior standing in Engineering.
Fee: $5.00
MEEN 4345 Engineering Vibrations 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4346 Computatnl Methods in Mech Eng 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4347 Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems 3 SCH (3-0)
Design and select hydraulic machines, pipeline, pressure vessels, pumps and control scheme. Understanding of ASME design codes for power and process piping, series and parallel pipe network and pumping power required, and techniques and tools for controlling pipeline network. Prerequisites: senior standing in Engineering and (MEEN 3350 and MEEN 3392) or (AEEN 3303 and CEEN 3392).
MEEN 4348 Gas Dynamics 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4349 Air Conditioning 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4351 Machine Design II 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4352 Design of Turbomachinery 3 SCH (3-0)
Design and application of centrifugal and axial flow pumps and turbines, consideration of similarity parameters, real machine performance characteristics, materials and methods of construction, selection process for various applications. Prerequisites: senior standing in Engineering and (MEEN 3392 and MEEN 4341) or (AEEN 3346 and CEEN 3392).
MEEN 4354 Intro to Finite Elem Method 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4355 Robotics I 3 SCH (3-0)
Multidisciplinary introduction to robotics, combining concepts from the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science. Topics include locomotion, maneuverability, actuating, trajectory planning, motion control, and sensing. Prerequisite: senior standing.
MEEN 4371 Introduction to UAVs 3 SCH (3)
Foundations and basic components of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) from a system point of view, design considerations, payloads, communications, control and stability, navigation, UAV system roles and operations, control stations. Prerequisite: senior standing.
MEEN 4372 Resource Optimization for DHS 3 SCH (3-0)
Linear Programming, Simplex Method, Duality Theory and Sensitivity Analysis, The Transportation and Assignment Problems, Network Optimization Models, Dynamic Programming, Integer programming, Game Theory, and Decision Analysis. Prerequisite: senior standing.
MEEN 4373 Info Anal. & Mod. in Sec Eng 3 SCH (3-0)
Fundamental methods and tools used for information analysis and modeling related to homeland security. It will also introduce engineering and technical challenges of homeland security, including modeling and analysis, technological issues, command, control and situational awareness and data integration requirements. Prerequisite: senior standing in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Computer Science, or approval from instructor.
MEEN 4382 Polymer Science & Engineering 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4385 Manufacturing of Composites 3 SCH (2-3)
Introduction to composites materials and manufacturing processes; hand lay-up, air and oven curing, filament winding and compression molding and 3D printing. Materials selection and fabrication of marine, aerospace, chemical, and civil structures. Practical case studies, use of standards and projects. Prerequisites: senior standing in Engineering, CEEN 3311, and either CEEN 3244 or MEEN 3344. Fee: $20.00
Fee: $20.00
MEEN 4395 Therm Hydr of Nuclear Reactors 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4396 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering 3 SCH (3-0)
Introduction to fundamental concepts of atoms and nuclei, radioactivity, nuclear reactions and interactions with matters, fission, fusion, and radiation biological effect, protection, and applications. Prerequisites: senior standing in engineering or consent of instructor.
MEEN 4397 Intro to Nuclear Power Plants 3 SCH (3-0)
MEEN 4399 Internship in MEEN 1-3 SCH (0-1-3)
Internships in industry, government or consulting companies, designed to broaden the skills obtained through curricular education. Prerequisites: senior standing.