Social Work (SCWK)

SCWK 2331  The Social Work Profession I  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Survey of the social work profession, including history, philosophy, ethics and commitment to social justice. Participation with service agencies to assess interest in pursuing social work as a career.

SCWK 3325  Human Behavior in Soci Envir I  3 SCH  (3-0)  

A multidimensional approach to examining the behavior of individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and society as a whole. Theories and research of human behavior across system levels are critically evaluated as applications are made to social work practice. Prerequisite: SCWK 2331.

SCWK 3329  Social Welfare: Policy/Advoc I  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Historical and current survey of the social service delivery system as a response to human need. History, mission and philosophy of social welfare. Prerequisite: SCWK 2331.

SCWK 3331  Social Work Practice I  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Social work practice from a generalist perspective with emphasis on the acquisition of values, knowledge, and skills required for ethical and effective practice with clients in various settings at the micro level of practice. Prerequisites: SCWK 2331 and admission to the B.S.W. degree program.

SCWK 3333  SCWK Research & Eval I (WI)  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Principles and methods of evidence-based practice and research design in social work. Emphasis is placed on the use of research findings to improve practice, policy, and social service delivery. Prerequisites: SCWK 2331 with minimum grade of C and PSYC 3381, SOCI 3381 or approved equivalent from another institution with a minimum grade of C.

SCWK 3335  Human Behavior in Soc Envir II  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Includes the study of individuals as they biologically, psychologically, socially, culturally, and spiritually develop over the human life course within their environment. Theories and research of human development within environmental context are critically evaluated as applications are made to social work practice. Prerequisite: SCWK 3325.

SCWK 3339  Social Welfare: Policy/Advo II  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Critical analysis of the legislative process, policy analysis, and policy implementation in social work practice with an emphasis on client advocacy. Prerequisites: SCWK 3329 and admission to the B.S.W. degree program.

SCWK 3341  Social Work Practice II  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Social work practice from a generalist perspective with emphasis on the acquisition of values, knowledge, and skills required for ethical and effective practice with clients at the mezzo and macro system levels of practice. Prerequisites: SCWK 3331 and admission to the B.S.W. degree program.

SCWK 3343  Social Work Research & Eval II  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Principles and methods of measurement and program evaluation in social work. Emphasis is placed on measurement in program and practice evaluation to improve practice, policy, and social service delivery. Prerequisites: SCWK 3333 and admission to the B.S.W. degree program.

SCWK 4306  Selected Topics in Social Work  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Literature and research in areas of social work not otherwise treated in depth in available courses. May be repeated once as topics change. Prerequisite: SCWK 2331.

SCWK 4311  Youth & Family Social Work  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Principles and methods of generalist social work with children, adolescents, and families across system levels and practice settings.

SCWK 4313  Mental Health Social Work  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Principles and methods of generalist social work in the area of mental health across system levels and practice settings. Prerequisite: SCWK 2331.

SCWK 4315  Health Social Work  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Principles and methods of generalist social work in the area of health care across system levels and practice settings. Prerequisite: SCWK 2331.

SCWK 4317  Forensic Social Work  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Principles and methods of generalist social work in the areas of criminal and juvenile justice across system levels and practice settings.

SCWK 4319  Geriatric Social Work  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Principles and methods of generalist social work in the area of gerontology across system levels and practice settings. Prerequisite: SCWK 2331.

SCWK 4321  School Social Work  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Social work generalist practice in school environments. Emphasis is on social work intervention methods: knowledge and skills related to strengths-based, client-centered, and family-focused approaches. Roles of the school social worker, emphasizing person in the school environment; social work practice with vulnerable children and youth, families, teachers, and administrators. Prerequisite: SCWK 2331.

SCWK 4323  Diverse Populations  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Cultural competence when working with individuals of varying socio-cultural backgrounds. Problems and evidence-based strategies associated with social and cultural constructions, as well as discussions related to culturally competent and responsive practice approaches. Prerquisite: SCWK 2331 (may be taken concurrently); Pre-Social Work majors require permission from program director.

SCWK 4327  Basic Case Management  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Fundamentals of case management within human services, social services, and non-profit organizations. Case management techniques in health, mental health, geriatrics, criminal justice, and/or child welfare.

SCWK 4331  Social Work Profession II (WI)  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Capstone course in social work, reinforcing students' social work identity, life-long learning, and career development. Includes the B.S.W. degree program exit exam, social work career development, licensure preparation, and emphasizes life-long learning. Prerequisites: SCWK 4641 and registration or credit in SCWK 4643.

SCWK 4386  Research in Social Work  1-3 SCH  (1-3)  

Individual instruction in supervised research experience in social work. May entail library research, data collection, data entry, statistical analysis and/or assistance in planning and conducting parts of a research project. A paper on the research experience is required. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 semester credit hours. Prerequisites: SCWK 3335, SCWK 3339, SCWK 3341, SCWK 3343, consent of the instructor, and admission to the B.S.W. degree program.

SCWK 4641  Social Work Practicum I  6 SCH  (2-16-0)  

First in a sequence of two practicums. Educationally directed and professionally supervised direct service activities providing practical experience in the application of social work values, knowledge, and skills acquired in social work foundation courses. Two hundred (200) clock hours of practicum placement and a weekly seminar of two hours. Prerequisites: SCWK 3335, SCWK 3339, SCWK 3341, SCWK 3343, good standing in the B.S.W. degree program, and permission of the Social Work Program Director and Practicum Education Coordinator.

SCWK 4643  Social Work Practicum II  6 SCH  (2-16-0)  

The second in a sequence of two practicums. Educationally directed and professionally supervised direct service activities providing practical experience in the application of social work values, knowledge, and skills acquired in social work foundation courses. Two hundred (200) clock hours of practicum placement and a weekly seminar of two hours. Prerequisites: SCWK 4641, good standing in the B.S.W. degree program, and permission of the Social Work Practicum Education Coordinator.