Reading (Education) (EDRG)

EDRG 3314  Found of Literacy Instr (WI)  3 SCH  (3-1)  

Introduction to the reading process. The study of essential reading abilities and foundations of reading with emphasis on the state public school curriculum in reading. Field experience required. Prerequisites: admission to teacher education.

EDRG 3321  Literature for Public Sch  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Criteria for selection and evaluation of children's literature in public schools; techniques for using literature in the classroom; integrating children's literature into the content area and reading curriculum. Using literature to meet the needs of children and to complement the reading and content area curriculum in elementary schools. Prerequisite: 9 semester hours of English and Admission to teacher education.

EDRG 3344  English Language Arts  3 SCH  (3-1)  

Interrelationships between oral and written language; psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic theory and its application to English language learning; theories of writing development; criteria for evaluating oral and written language development. Field experience required. Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education.

EDRG 4304  Teaching Reading in the Content Area  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Strategies for teaching reading in the content areas with emphasis on the skills necessary for helping students increase their reading vocabulary and reading comprehension according to the Science of Teaching Reading (STR). Prerequisite: admission to teacher education..

EDRG 4307  Literacy Instruction  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Emphasis on materials, methods, and beliefs for teaching literacy according to the Science Teaching Reading (STR). Includes the reading process, comprehension strategies for both narrative and expository text, vocabulary development, word study, study skills, and reading-writing connections. Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education.

EDRG 4314  Developmental Corrective Reading for Secondary Schools  3 SCH  (3)  

The nature of the reading process, reading styles, comprehension instruction, vocabulary development, readability and lesson planning in the content areas according to the Science of Teaching Reading (STR). Prerequisite: 9 advanced hours of education or the equivalent and Admission to teacher education.

EDRG 4330  Clrm Reading Assess/Remed  3 SCH  (3-1)  

Includes methods of assessment, both formal and informal, with attention given to special needs of the learning disabled and gifted readers. Development of diagnostic/prescriptive case study required. Field experience is required. Student must furnish own transportation. Prerequisite: EDRG 3314 and Admission to teacher education.