Veterinary Technology (VETT)

VETT 1040  Veterinary Animal Care and Husbandry  0 SCH  (0-1-0)  

Participate in the care and keeping of animals housed for teaching purposes in the Veterinary Technology Program. Credit/Noncredit. Registration required each semester while enrolled in the Veterinary Technology Program.

VETT 2105  Vet. Medical Calculations  1 SCH  (1-0)  

Introduction to common veterinary medical calculations and measurements. Prerequisite: Admission to the Veterinary Technology Program.

VETT 2201  Intro to Vet. Tech  2 SCH  (1-2)  

Survey of the profession of veterinary technology with emphasis on basic techniques, handling and care of animals and ethical and professional requirements. Prerequisites: BIOL 1106 and BIOL 1306.

VETT 2233  Veterinary Medical Terminology  2 SCH  (2-0)  

Introduction to common veterinary medical terminology with emphasis on descriptive terms, common acronyms and abbreviations.

VETT 3206  Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging  2 SCH  (1-2)  

Presentation of theory, principles and practical application of diagnostic imaging techniques within the field of veterinary medicine. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 3209  Veterinary Parasitology  2 SCH  (1-2)  

Study of parasites common to domestic animals including zoonotic diseases. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 3225  Vet. Nursing Tech for SA II  2 SCH  (1-2)  

Common management practices, advanced nursing skills and care of canines and felines in a clinical setting. Prerequisites: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 3227  Vet Nur for Zoo & Wildlife Sp  2 SCH  (1-2)  

Feeding, common management practices and care of avian and exotic animals in clinical or zoological setting. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 3229  Vet. Clinical Pathology II  2 SCH  (1-2)  

Continued study of hematology, blood chemistries, microbiology, urinalysis and cytology with emphasis on lab procedures. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 3234  Veterinary Dentistry  2 SCH  (1-2)  

Survey of veterinary dentistry topics and procedures with an emphasis on the technician's role in client education, instrument use and care, terminology and charting, intro-oral radiology and prophylactic procedures. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 3303  Veterinary Physiology  3 SCH  (3-0)  

Study of physiological functions and relationships of body systems in domestic animal species. Prerequisite: Admission into the Veterinary Technology Program.

VETT 3311  Health Mgt. of SA II  3 SCH  (3-0-0)  

Continued study of common and zoonotic diseases of canines and felines encountered in the practice of veterinary medicine. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

VETT 3324  Health Mgt. of SA I  3 SCH  (3-0-0)  

Introduction to the study of common and zoonotic diseases of canines and felines encountered in the practice of veterinary medicine. Prerequisite: Admission into the Veterinary Technology Program.

VETT 3328  Vet. Clinical Pathology I  3 SCH  (1-3)  

In-depth study of hematology, blood chemistries, microbiology, urinalysis and other diagnostic tests with emphasis on lab procedures. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 3330  Vet. Nursing Tech for SA I  3 SCH  (1-3)  

Common management practices, basic nursing skills and care of canines and felines in a clinical setting. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 3390  Spec Topics In Vet Tech  1,3 SCH  (1, 3-0-0)  

Selected topics not currently available in existing courses. May be repeated once under different topic. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

VETT 3401  Intro to Veterinary Technology  4 SCH  (3-4)  

Survey of the profession of veterinary technology with emphasis on basic techniques, handling and care of animals, and ethical and professional requirements. Prerequisite: Admission into the Veterinary Technology Program.

VETT 3402  Veterinary Anatomy  4 SCH  (1-4-0)  

Gross anatomical study of body systems and their topographic relationships in domestic animal species. Prerequisite: Admission into the Veterinary Technology Program.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 4135  VTNE Preparation  1 SCH  (1-0)  

Detailed review of veterinary technology practice domains to better prepare students for taking the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE). Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

VETT 4217  Veterinary Office Mgmt (WI)  2 SCH  (2-0-0)  

Practical experience in management of the veterinary practice. Emphasis on client relations, record keeping, inventory, employment skills, and computer skills in the veterinary environment. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

VETT 4221  Adv. Vet. Nursing Tech  2 SCH  (1-2-0)  

Fundamentals of advanced nursing care at the veterinary technologist level. Prerequisites: VETT 4312, VETT 4315, VETT 4319, VETT 4414, and VETT 4426, with a grade of C or better.

VETT 4236  Current Topics in Vet. Med.  2 SCH  (2-0)  

Examination of contemporary topics related to the veterinary profession and practice of veterinary medicine. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

VETT 4291  Global Veterinary Experience  2 SCH  (2-0)  

Immersion into global veterinary medicine topics including wildlife medicine and conservation, safe capture and immobilization techniques and zoonotic diseases of concern. Prerequisite: Successful completion of VETT 4420 and VETT 4426. Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

VETT 4312  Veterinary Pharmacology  3 SCH  (3)  

Fundamentals of pharmacology including recognition, calculation, labeling, packaging, and administration of veterinary drugs, biologicals and therapeutic agents. Prerequisite: Goo standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

VETT 4315  Health Management of Hoofstock  3 SCH  (3-0-0)  

Common diseases, preventive medicine and nursing of food and fiber animals and horses in the practice of veterinary medicine. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

VETT 4322  Health Mgt. of Zoo/Wildlife  3 SCH  (3-0-0)  

Common diseases, preventive medicine and nursing of avian and exotic animals in the practice of veterinary medicine. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

VETT 4323  Lab Animal/Sm. Mammal Mgt.  3 SCH  (1-3-0)  

Fundamentals of laboratory and small mammal medicine including management, husbandry, and common procedures. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 4331  Vet. Nurs. For Hoofstock  3 SCH  (1-3)  

Feeding, management practices, and care of food and fiber animals and equids in a clinical setting. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 4420  Vet. Anes./Surg. Nursing II  4 SCH  (1-4)  

In-depth application of surgical, obstetrical, and anesthesia techniques. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 4426  Vet. Anes./Surg. Nursing I  4 SCH  (1-4)  

Fundamentals of veterinary anesthesia, patient monitoring, asepsis, and surgical instrument identification and care. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grad of C or higher in VETT courses.

Fee: $25.00

VETT 4910  Vet. Tech Clinical Externship  9 SCH  (9-0)  

Supervised and planned work experience under college guidelines in a veterinary clinical setting. Practical application of knowledge and skills of major subject area without classroom consultation, but with formal evaluation. Prerequisite: Good standing within the Veterinary Technology Program as demonstrated by obtaining a grade of C or higher in VETT courses.