Comm Sciences and Disorders (CSDO)
CSDO 2302 Introd to Comm Disorders 3 SCH (3-0)
Introduction to etiology, diagnoses, and therapies of communication disorders, delays, or differences across the lifespan.
CSDO 2325 Phonetics 3 SCH (3-0)
Training in the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet and practice in the transcription of normal and disordered speech.
CSDO 3313 Introduction To Audiology 3 SCH (3-1.5)
Introduction to basic audiological concepts and their applicability to instrumentation and educational procedures utilized in habilitation and/or rehabilitation. Prerequisite: CSDO 3321; GPA 2.75 overall, 2.75 GPA in CSDO courses.
CSDO 3321 Anat of Auditory and Vocal Mec 3 SCH (3-0)
Introduction to the physiology and functions of the vocal and auditory mechanisms. Prerequisite: CSDO 2302.
CSDO 3333 Normal Language Acquisition 3 SCH (3-0)
Symblolic system used by humans to communicate; role of learning in perception, comprehension and expression of linguistic codes; sequential development of normal language skills.
CSDO 4223 Clinical Practicum in Comm Dis 2 SCH (0-4-0)
CSDO 4321 Speech Sound Disorders 3 SCH (3-0)
CSDO 4327 Diagnostics in Comm Dis (WI) 3 SCH (3-1)
Implementation of the diagnostic process in Communication Disorders, including knowledge of test protocols, assessment methods, and written reports in language, articulation, voice and stuttering disorders. Students will complete a minimum of 5 hours of observation in evaluation of communications disorders. Prerequisites: CSDO 2302, CSDO 2325, CSDO 3321, CSDO 3333, CSDO 4321, CSDO 4329 and CSDO 4335; GPA 2.75 overall and GPA 2.75 for CSDO courses required.
CSDO 4329 Voice and Fluency Disorders 3 SCH (3-1)
Study of etiologies and symptoms of voice and fluency disorders including diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Students will complete a minimum of 5 hours of observation in evaluation and intervention of speech sound disorders. Prerequisites: CSDO 2302 and CSDO 3321; GPA 2.75 overall, 2.75 GPA in CSDO courses.
CSDO 4331 Speech and Hearing Science 3 SCH (3-0)
Study of physical properties of sound, sound measurement, basic auditory function, acoustic and physiological phonetics and the perception of speech. Prerequisite: CSDO 3321; GPA 2.75 overall, 2.75 GPA in CSDO courses.
CSDO 4335 Comm Disorders in Children 3 SCH (3-0)
Survey of interventions (principles and methods) for developmentally delayed or disordered language; including specific procedures for planning and implementation of intervention. Students will complete a minimum of 5 hours of observation of evaluation and intervention of communication disorders in children. Prerequisites: CSDO 3333; GPA 2.75 overall, 2.75 GPA in CSDO courses.
CSDO 4336 Comm Disorders in Adults 3 SCH (3-1)
Survey of disordered adult communicative processes including signs and symptoms, etiology, clinical course and vocational-social impact of these disorders. Topics to include principles of assessment and intervention. Students will complete a minimum of 5 hours of observation in evaluation and intervention of communication disorders in adults. Prerequisites: CSDO 2302, CSDO 2325, and CSDO 3321; GPA 2.75 overall, 2.75 GPA in CSDO courses.
CSDO 4390 Clinical Methodologies 3 SCH (3-1)
Designed to emphasize clinical methods in speech-language pathology before beginning clinical practice and in preparation for future clinical practice. Topics include target behaviors, treatment methods and controlling and maintaining target behaviors. Prerequisites: CSDO 2302, CSDO 2325, CSDO 3321, CSDO 3333, CSDO 4321, CSDO 4329, CSDO 4335; GPA 2.75 overall, 2.75 GPA in CSDO courses.