Criminology (CRIM)
CRIM 3302 Social Deviance 3 SCH (3-0)
Survey of the sociological and psychological aspects of deviant behavior. Nature of deviance, types of deviant behavior, causal theories and social policy implications. (Credit may not be obtained in both CRIM 3302 and SOCI 3302.) Prerequisites: SOCI 1301 and 3 semester hours of Criminology or Sociology.
CRIM 3320 Psych of Criminal Behavior 3 SCH (3-0)
Psychological processes related to behaviorism, social learning theory, aggression theory, bio-psychological factors, criminal homicide, sexual offenses, drugs and crime, correctional psychology, the criminal offender and the mentally disordered offender. (Credit may not be obtained in both CRIM 3320 and PSYC 3320.) Prerequisites: PSYC 2301 and SOCI 1301.
CRIM 3321 Introduction to Criminology 3 SCH (3-0)
Extent, types, causation, patterns and organization, apprehension, punishment treatment, agents and agencies related to crime and criminals, including experiences such as field trips and visits to jail may be included. (Credit may not be obtained in both CRIM 3321 and SOCI 3321.) Prerequisite: SOCI 1301.
CRIM 3322 Juvenile Delinquency 3 SCH (3-0)
CRIM 4304 Juvenile Delinquency 3 SCH (3-0)
CRIM 4320 Law and Society 3 SCH (3-0)
An in-depth examination of law and society through the philosophy and evolution of legal systems and legal institutions. The major functions of law as agents of social control, dispute resolution and societal engineering are addressed. Prerequisites: POLS 2304 or SOCI 1301 and 3 semester hours of Sociology, Criminology, or Criminal Justice. (Credit may not be obtained in more than one of CRIJ 4320, CRIM 4320, and SOCI 4320.)
CRIM 4321 Criminological Theory (WI) 3 SCH (3-0)
An overview of the principle theories of criminality and the application of these theories to contemporary crime issues. Prerequisite: CRIM 3321 or SOCI 3321.
CRIM 4325 Corrections 3 SCH (3-0)
Overview of social psychological, cultural, sociological and political factors related to the correctional enterprise. Includes treatment of the context of corrections, correctional practices, correctional issues, correctional institutions and correctional perspectives. May include field trips to correctional institutions. Prerequisite: CRIM 3321 or SOCI 3321. (Credit may not be obtained in both CRIM 4325 and SOCI 4325.)
CRIM 4326 Commun Resources in Correction 3 SCH (3-0)
An analysis of correctional processes and facilities available at the community level. Topics include: probation, parole, diversion, halfway houses, community reintegration procedures, community treatment centers and volunteer programs. Emphasis is placed on social structure, functions and problems of community-based programs. May include practical experiences such as field trips. Prerequisites: CRIM 3321 and SOCI 1301.
CRIM 4327 Organized Crime 3 SCH (3-0)
Social structure and organizational factors leading to the development of organized criminal activity, as analyzed from a sociological perspective. The nature, extent, types, costs, and structure of white-collar crimes will be treated. Prerequiste: 6 semester hours of Criminology.
CRIM 4328 White Collar Crime 3 SCH (3-0)
Types of white collar crime; the social structure and organizational factors leading to its development. Its nature, extent, and costs, as well as society's response. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Criminology.
CRIM 4331 Constitutional Law I 3 SCH (3-0)
A survey of American constitutional law, using leading cases, both historic and contemporary, of the Supreme Court of the United States. Establishment of the federal political system for which the Constitution provided and the judicial allocations of political and economic power within that system. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Political Science. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of political science. (Credit may not be obtained in more than one of CRIJ 4331, CRIM 4331 and POLS 4331.)
CRIM 4332 Constitutional Law II 3 SCH (3-0)
A survey of American constitutional law, using leading cases, both historic and contemporary, of the Supreme Court of the United States. Matters of rights and liberties, their recognition and definition, policies of rights developed by the Supreme Court of the United States. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of political science. (Credit may not be obtained in more than one of CRIJ 4332, CRIM 4332 and POLS 4332.)
CRIM 4333 American Judicial Process 3 SCH (3-0)
CRIM 4336 Drugs and Social Control 3 SCH (3-0)
Literature and research pertaining to the social control of drugs. Critical analyses of the normative and legal rules governing distribution, use, and overall consumption patterns in both legal and illegal contexts. Prerequisites: 6 semester hours of social science. (Credit may not be obtained in more than one of CRIM 4336, PSYC 4336, and SOCI 4336.)
CRIM 4337 Peace Studies 3 SCH (3-0)
Analyses of relevant theories and concepts such as peace building, social and environment justice, as well as direct, structural, and cultural violence. Causes and consequences of socioeconomic inequality and human suffering including racism, sexism, and various other forms of prejudice and social discrimination. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of social science. (Credit may not be obtained in more than one of CRIM 4337, PSYC 4337, and SOCI 4337.)
CRIM 4338 Police and Society 3 SCH (3-0)
Types of policing agencies and police in contemporary American society, treated in terms of their nature, organization, functions, problems, and components. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Criminology.
CRIM 4340 Topics in Criminology 3 SCH (3-0)
Literature and research in the area of criminology not otherwise treated in depth in available courses. Topics will vary according to needs, interests and capability of the instructor. May be repeated once for credit when topic differs. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Criminology.
CRIM 4342 Substance Abuse 3 SCH (3-0)
A general survey of current research on psychological, social, legal and situational factors involved in substance usage and its effect on human behavior and criminal activity. Includes a treatment of therapeutic procedures and facilities. (Credit may not be obtained in both CRIM 4342 and PSYC 4342.) Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Criminology or Psychology.
CRIM 4345 Victimology 3 SCH (3-0)
An examination of the historical role of crime victims, nature of victimization in modern society, the victimization process, solutions to victimization and victim's rights. Emphasis given to the social, legal, psychological and societal aspects of victimization. Victim-offender interaction and societal response to victimization will also be treated. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of social science. (Credit may not be obtained in both CRIM 4345 and CRIJ 4345.)
CRIM 4346 Gangs and Gang Behavior 3 SCH (3-0)
Gangs and gang behavior from a cross-cultural perspective. The historical evolution of gangs in America and Europe. Emphasis on the causes, consequences and social control of gangs in relation to society. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Criminology.
CRIM 4348 Violence 3 SCH (3-0)
Types of violence from a historical and cross-cultural perspective, identifying and delineating patterns of violent behavior. Social structure and culture are linked to violence and examined in the context of individuals, groups and societies. Emphasis is placed on the social control of violence. Prerequisite: 6 semester hours of Criminology.
CRIM 4382 Methods of Social Research 3 SCH (3)
Introduction to the study of the scientific method as applied to social research including the logic of science, covering the nature of data, hypotheses, concepts and objectivity. (Credit may be obtained in only one of CRIM 4382, ANTH 4382 or SOCI 4382.) Prerequisites: SOCI 1301 and 3 semester hours of Sociology.
CRIM 4384 Directed Research in Crim 1-3 SCH (0-1-3)
Supervised research experience in criminology. Student will assist with a research project by working under the individual guidance of a faculty member. Requirements may include library research, data collection, data entry, statistical analysis and/or assistance in planning and conducting parts of a research project. A paper on the research experience is required. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 semester hours of credit. Prerequisites: SOCI 3381 or PSYC 3381, CRIM 4382 and 6 other semester hours of Criminology. (Consent of instructor required.) Credit/Non-credit.