Agricultural Science (AGSC)
AGSC 1352 Welding 3 SCH (1-4)
Techniques of oxy-acetylene processes in fusion welding of mild steel, bronze welding, hard facing and oxy-acetylene cutting; skills of arc welding in level, horizontal, vertical and overhead position.
Fee: $5.00
AGSC 1451 Introd to Agric Systems 4 SCH (3-2)
A study and application of basic agricultural system processes. Includes design graphics, use of basic tools and machines, instrumentation and basic construction.
Fee: $20.00
AGSC 3352 Agric Power and Machinery 3 SCH (2-2)
Study of internal combustion engines; principles of operation, construction, ignition, carbureting, cooling systems, lubrication, transmission and diesel engines. Agricultural machinery design, construction and use. Prerequisite: AGSC 1451.
Fee: $5.00
AGSC 3363 Prog Plan in Ag Sci and Tech 3 SCH (3-0)
Planning, delivering and evaluating programs for agricultural service agencies such as the cooperative extension service, Natural Resources Conservation Service and any other public or private agency which is responsible for the dissemination of information. Time management, public relations, identification of program goals and industry needs, community needs.
AGSC 3367 Intro to Agric Sci and Tech 3 SCH (3-0)
Philosophy, aims and objectives of agriculture science and technology; historical background of agricultural service agencies and organizations programs; career opportunities and qualifications of personnel as related to agricultural service agencies. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AGSC 3390 Special Topics in Ag Science 3 SCH (2-2)
Selected topics not currently available in existing courses. May be repeated once under a different topic. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AGSC 3995 Internship (WI) 1-9 SCH (1-9)
Supervised and planned work experience under college guidelines in an agriculture enterprise or agency setting. Practical application of knowledge and skills of major subject area without classroom consultation, but with formal evaluation. May be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours toward degree. Writing intensive. Prerequisite: written consent of adviser and dean.
AGSC 4353 Agric Building Requirements 3 SCH (2-2)
Construction materials, costs, environment, arrangements and types of structures. Plans and drawings will be made for farmsteads, service buildings and dwellings. Prerequisite: AGSC 1451.
Fee: $5.00
AGSC 4361 Meth Matls Tech Clrm Mgt (WI) 3 SCH (2-2)
Methods, materials and techniques in teaching agricultural science; essential elements; daily and annual teaching plans; curriculum organization, planning and evaluation; instructional methods and strategies, adult and young farmer education; students with special needs; and basic principles and procedures of classroom management.
AGSC 4362 Designing Instruction in Ag Ed 3 SCH (3-0)
Theory and practice in designing instruction for secondary agricultural science programs including effective planning and deliver methods; designed for students preparing to teach agricultural science in Texas public schools.
AGSC 4395 Probs in Agricultural Sci 1-3 SCH (1-3-0)
Literature review, laboratory field problem. May be repeated for a total of 6 semester hours, only 3 hours may count toward a minor. Prerequisite: approval of supervising professor, and permission per advisor and department chair.
AGSC 4666 Studnt Teach in Ag Sci and Tec 6 SCH (6)
Student teaching in agricultural science classes in selected secondary schools. Requires daily (Monday through Friday) laboratory experience of performing the duties of an agricultural science teacher for at least nine weeks. Prerequisites: overall grade point average of 2.5 or better; junior or senior standing; AGSC 3367, AGSC 4361.