Agriculture - Agriculture Science - Plant and Soil Science - Horticulture, B.S.

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Plan of Study Grid
Freshman Year
Semester 1Semester Credit Hours
BIOL 1306
BIOL 1106
General Biology I
and General Biology Laboratory I
ENGL 1301 Rhetoric and Composition 3
HIST 1301 American History to 1877 3
PLSS 1407 General Plant Sciences 4
UNIV 1201 Learning in Global Context 2
 Semester Credit Hours16
Semester 2
CHEM 1311
CHEM 1111
Gen Inorganic Chemistry I
and Gen Inorganic Chem Lab I
ENGL 1302 Rhetoric and Composition 3
HIST 1302 American History since 1877 3
MATH 1314 College Algebra 3
 Semester Credit Hours13
Sophomore Year
Semester 1
GEOG 2472 Intro to Geographic Info Sys 4
POLS 2301 Government and Politics of US 3
Communications 3
Creative arts 3
Ag. Sci., elective 1 3
 Semester Credit Hours16
Semester 2
PLSS 3410 Principles of Soil Science 4
PLSS 3995 Internship (WI) 3
POLS 2302 Government and Politics of TX 3
Lang/Phil/Culture 3
Social/Behavioral 3
 Semester Credit Hours16
Junior Year
Semester 1
AGRI 3372 Contemporary Issues (WI) 3
PLSS 3319
Landscape Design
or Landscape Maint and Constr
PLSS 3320
Soil Formation and Class
or Agroecology Sustain Soil Mgnt
PLSS 3381 Crop Physiology 3
GEOG, adv. 2 4
 Semester Credit Hours16
Semester 2
AGBU 2317 Introd to Agric Economics 3
ANSC 4308 Statistics in Agriculture 3
PLSS 3325
Field Crop Production
or Weed Management in Crops
PLSS 3344 Vegetable Crop Production 3
Ag. Or Sci., adv. 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Senior Year
Semester 1
PLSS 3332
Hort Plant Propagation
or Hort Fruit Crop Production
PLSS 4327
Soil Water Movement
or Soil Health and Productivity
PLSS, adv. 3
Ag .Sci., adv. 1 3
Ag. or Sci., adv. 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Semester 2
AGRI 4171 Seminar 1
PLSS 3331
Turf and Urban Plants
or Greenhouse Crop Production
PLSS 4328 Intro Plant Pathology 3
Ag. Sci., adv. 1 3
Ag. or Sci., adv. 3
 Semester Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours Required: 120

Students must choose an elective or advance elective (adv.) course from AGSC, AGBU, AGRI, PLSS or other Dept. of AGSC.


Students may choose to take an advanced GIS course from GEOG 3460 or GEOG 4429.