Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute

The Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute was established in 1981 by a grant from the Caesar Kleberg Foundation for Wildlife Conservation to enhance our understanding of wildlife conservation and management in South Texas and related environments.

The institute has embarked on many programs to help accomplish its goal. Focus is on developing four broad areas of research:

  1. management of sensitive species and ecosystems;
  2. understanding wildlife biology and ecology;
  3. management strategies for enhancing wildlife habitat; and
  4. wildlife diseases, parasitology and toxicology.

In the study and testing of native plants for future use by wildlife and livestock, the USDA/NRCS Kika de la Garza Plant Materials Center was established in 1981. The center is closely linked to the Institute through projects called South Texas Natives and Texas Native Seeds. Other centers that are under the umbrella of the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute include the Richard M. Kleberg, Jr. Center for Quail Research, the Meadows Center in Semi-arid Land Ecology and the Feline Research Center.

South Pasture

The South Pasture is a 25-acre property located approximately six miles south of the main campus. It is a research and demonstration area owned by the university and managed by the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute and the Department of Rangeland and Wildlife Sciences that exemplifies range and wildlife management techniques commonly used in southern Texas. It is used as a field laboratory for various wildlife and range courses in which students actively participate in plant collections, vegetation sampling, habitat management and wildlife surveys. South Pasture provides students with the opportunity to observe and apply theory learned in courses.

Tio and Janell Kleberg Wildlife Research Park

This park, named after long-time supporters of the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Tio and Janell Kleberg, contains five facilities. These include the Buddy Temple Wildlife Pathology and Diagnostic Lab, the Albert and Margaret Alkek Ungulate Research Facility, the Duane M. Leach Research Aviary, the South Texas Natives Research Facility and the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Center, a South Texas-style conference center and botanical garden on the edge of the main campus.