Scholastic Probation and Enforced Withdrawal

Scholastic Probation

Students will be placed on scholastic probation any time their cumulative institution grade point average at Texas A&M University-Kingsville falls below 2.0, summer not included. Such students are required to participate to the fullest in the Academic Collegiate Enhancement program (ACE) and to seek professional academic advising. Students who are on scholastic probation for a semester will be removed from such probation at the conclusion of that semester or summer term if they earn a minimum 2.0 cumulative institutional grade point average.

Enforced Withdrawal

Students who have been placed on scholastic probation for a semester, and who fail to achieve the minimum 2.0 cumulative institutional grade point average at the end of that semester, will be placed on enforced withdrawal for the following semester (summer not included).

Length of absence period

1st and 2nd Suspension- students who have been placed on enforced withdrawal may return after an absence of one semester.

3rd Suspension- students placed on enforced withdrawal for a third time may return only after an absence of two consecutive semesters (summer not included).

Readmission following Enforced Withdrawal for Undergraduates

Students placed on enforced withdrawal may request that the required absence period be shortened or waived. To be readmitted before the completion of the required length of suspension, students must obtain approval.  A scoring rubric will be used in consideration of the student's request.

Readmission Request applications are available online on the Center for Student Success website every semester through the 1st class day.  A Readmission Request application requires a student to upload a personal statement addressing the following:

  • the external factors that contributed to the lack of success, may be academic, personal, or both
  • steps are taken to make improvements to the GPA and
  • a plan for success on how the GPA will be improved

The Readmission Request Committee will evaluate Readmission Requests using a scoring rubric.  The rubric score will determine whether the student's Readmission Request should be approved or denied and the recommendation will be forwarded to the student’s department chair and college dean.  The final decision for all readmission requests is at the discretion of the student’s college dean. If a student is not satisfied with the decision of their college dean, the student may appeal to the Associate Vice President for Student Success.  Students who are approved for Readmission following Enforced Withdrawal are required to participate in the Academic Collegiate Enhancement Program (ACE).

Students who are registered for classes and on enforced withdrawal, but have not been approved for Readmission, will be dropped from their courses before the first day of class.  Students must submit a Readmission Request each semester until they reach a 2.0 institutional GPA and are placed in good academic standing.