Class Policies

A student has the right to expect competent, well-organized instruction for the full number of clock hours allotted for a course; to sufficient written assignments, graded fairly and with reasonable promptness to show the student's academic standing in the course at least before mid-semester; to have ample opportunity to confer with the instructor at published office hours and to review graded written work; to freedom from ridicule, discrimination, harassment or accusations in the presence of other students or faculty members; and to an avenue for appealing to higher academic authority in case of alleged unfairness by an instructor.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Students are expected to do their own course work. Simple cases of first offense cheating or plagiarism by an individual student may be handled by the instructor after consultation with the department chair. When the evidence is indisputable, the usual penalty is a grade of F on the particular paper or in the course. The student is usually confronted with the evidence in private and advised of the penalty to be assessed. The evidence will be retained for at least one full year.

For more serious cases, such as those involving repeated offenses, conspiracy with other students or the theft and selling of examination questions, a report should be made by the instructor via the department chair and dean of the college to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs for disciplinary action. Expulsion from the university is a normal penalty for such offenses.

Class Attendance

A vital part of every student's education is regular attendance of class meetings. Every faculty member is encouraged to keep a current attendance record on all students. Any absences tend to lower the quality of a student's work in a course, and frequent or persistent absences may preclude a passing grade or cause a student to be dropped from one or more courses upon the request of a faculty member to the Office of the Registrar through appropriate channels. Courses will be officially dropped on the day the request is received by the Office of the Registrar (as long as the request is received no later than 5 p.m. on the last day to drop with an automatic Q (set by the university academic calendar).

Absences for Religious Holy Days

The university will allow students who are absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time before or after the absence. The student should notify each faculty member of this proposed absence as early in the semester as possible. The instructor may appropriately respond if a student fails to complete the assignment or examination within a reasonable time after the absence.

"Dead Week, Study Day, and Final Examinations"

To support the learning environment, the university will adhere to a four school day period of student study before the first scheduled final examinations each term. During this time, no required quizzes, tests or examinations (except for make-up tests) shall be administered. The latter does not preclude the introduction of new material in class or the administering of laboratory final examinations, nor does it create any implication that class attendance is not expected during this period. The day before final examinations are scheduled to begin will be designated as a study day. No classes will be held on this day to allow preparation time for students and faculty. Scheduling of other university events or functions that involve students is discouraged and should be limited during this period.

Research on Human Subjects

Research that involves human subjects must be approved by the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects.