Finance, Minor

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(Available Only to Business Majors)

A minor consists of 18 credit hours, including 12 credit hours from:

FINC 4331Investments3
FINC 4336Intermediate Financial Mgmt3
FINC 4341Money and Capital Markets3
FINC 4342International Finance3
Select 6 hours of the following:6
FINC 3310Personal Financial Planning3
FINC 3338Financial Statement Analysis3
FINC 4332Portfolio Management3
FINC 4360Intro to Derivative Securities3
FINC 4362Financial Planning & Capital3
FINC 4366Entrepreneurial Finance3
Total Semester Credit Hours36

Candidates for the minor in Finance must earn at least 12 credit hours in residency at Texas A&M University-Kingsville College of Business with at least 6 credit hours of upper level credits.