Global Engagement

Office of Global Engagement

Cousins Hall Room 109
Study Abroad Program website

The Office of Global Engagement (OGE) works toward the internationalization of all aspects of Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK) by involving students and faculty in international studies and research globally. OGE consists of the following interrelated areas:

  1. Study Abroad Programs and International Internships;
  2. Student and Faculty Exchange Programs;
  3. Collaborative International Research;
  4. International Exchange Education Fund (IEEF) Scholarship;
  5. International Memorandums of Understanding/Agreements of Cooperation; and
  6. Student Foreign Travel.

Study Abroad Programs and International Internships

In fulfillment of the mission of TAMUK, OGE encourages undergraduate and graduate students to spend a summer, a semester or, ideally, an academic year outside the United States. Students can earn credit toward their degrees through international studies. Faculty, staff and community members are also encouraged to participate in these programs. Options, with or without credit, are available for students and non-students in any degree or non-degree program.

Exchange Programs

TAMUK has many exchange agreements with international institutions. Students may earn credit toward their degree programs while faculty can obtain experience that positively impacts their professional careers. International students and faculty can also come to TAMUK through an exchange program and study or teach here on campus. TAMUK currently has exchange agreements with institutions in Latin America, Europe and Asia.

Collaborative International Research

OGE will work with faculty, departments and colleges on identifying, developing and securing international research opportunities world-wide. This includes assisting faculty with Fulbright and other teaching and research awards and locations.


All Texas A&M University-Kingsville full-time students are welcome to apply for a scholarship to facilitate international studies. Scholarships can be used for tuition, fees and travel for an approved TAMUK Study Abroad Program outside the United States These scholarships are also available to degree-seeking international students and these pay for their tuition and fees here at A&M-Kingsville.

International Memorandums of Understanding/Agreements of Cooperation

OGE is responsible for handling the process and procedure for developing and signing of agreements of cooperation/memorandums of understanding between TAMUK and institutions abroad. The Office collaborates with the President’s Office in organizing ceremonies and official visits of international delegations.

Student Foreign Travel

All students traveling internationally on behalf of TAMUK (research project, conferences or organizational activities) with or without a TAMUK employee, are required to register their travel with OGE.