History, B.A. with Teaching Certification

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Plan of Study Grid
Freshman Year
Semester 1Semester Credit Hours
ENGL 1301 Rhetoric and Composition 3
HIST 1301 American History to 1877 3
UNIV 1201 Learning in Global Context 2
Mathematics 3
Foreign language (1st) 3
 Semester Credit Hours14
Semester 2
ANTH 2303 Intro to Physical Anthrop 3
ENGL 1302 Rhetoric and Composition 3
HIST 1302 American History since 1877 3
Creative arts 3
Foreign language (2nd) 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Sophomore Year
Semester 1
BIOL 2375 Life Science 3
ENGL 2342 Introduction to Literature 3
HIST 2321 World History to 1500 3
POLS 2301 Government and Politics of US 3
Foreign language (3rd) 3
Minor 3
 Semester Credit Hours18
Semester 2
COMS 1311 Intro to Oral Communication 3
HIST 2322 World History since 1500 3
POLS 2302 Government and Politics of TX 3
Social/Behavioral 3
Foreign language (4th) 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Junior Year
Semester 1
EDED 3310 Intro to Instructional Design 3
HIST 3301 Methods of Hist Research 3
HIST 4346 Texas History 3
HIST, adv. 1 3
Minor 6
 Semester Credit Hours18
Semester 2
EDED 3302 Develop Behavr of Chl and Adol 3
EDED 3333 Clsrm Mgt and Org in Mid Sch 3
HIST, adv. 1 6
Minor 3
Minor, adv. 3
 Semester Credit Hours18
Senior Year
Semester 1
EDED 3332 Curriculum and Materials Development and Planning 3
EDED 3362 Instr Mthds and Strat Sec Sch 3
EDSE 4349 Foundations Special Educ (WI) 3
HIST 4397 Advanced Seminar Topics (WI) 3
HIST, adv. 1 3
Minor, adv. 3
 Semester Credit Hours18
Semester 2
EDED 4613 Student Teaching 6
EDRG 4314 Developmental Corrective Reading for Secondary Schools 3
 Semester Credit Hours9
 Total Credit Hours Required: 125

Advanced History must be from approved listing for certification.

Summer Session work may be advisable to reduce term loads.