Agriculture Science, Agribusiness or Plant and Soil Science, Minor

A minor in Agriculture Science requires 18 semester hours of AGSC, AGBU or PLSS courses from the same minor area with at least 12 semester hours of upper-level AGSC work, of which no more than 3 semester hours can be from Internship or Special Problems credit.
A minor in Agribusiness requires 18 semester hours of AGSC, AGBU or PLSS courses from the same minor area with at least 12 semester hours of upper-level AGBU work, of which no more than 3 semester hours can be from Internship or Special Problems credit.
A minor in Plant and Soil Science requires 18 semester hours of AGSC, AGBU or PLSS courses from the same minor area with at least 12 semester hours of upper-level PLSS work, of which no more than 3 semester hours can be from Internship or Special Problems credit.